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The cutest, deadliest and ONLY top-down roguelike shooter featuring AK-wielding Axolotls. Blast your way through the animal kingdom with an arsenal of kick-ass guns, mighty power-ups and even raise an army of trigger-happy baby axolotls. While cute in appearance, the Axolotl is packing some serious heat and will shoot down anything that stands between them and their next meal. Blast a path through a variety of biomes and conquer randomly generated rooms with a dastardly boss at the end of every biome. Find Axolotl eggs and raise new powerful Axolittles by turning them into highly specialised little killing machines. Take their firepower to the next level by cooking up permanent, stat-improving recipes. Turn your enemies into ingredients, eat everything and become unstoppable.

Release Date: 27 February 2024
Publisher: Tesura
Genre: RogueLite, Action
Language: English, Japanese, Korean, Simplified & Traditional Chinese

Channel the incredible power of Axolotls’ regeneration! If you’re knocked down, you will rise again from the ashes and start stronger, unlocking new weapons with each fight. Fight, die, come back stronger and fight again!
On your journey, you will find different baby Axolotls: Axolittles! Bring Axolittles back to your pond; nurturing them with love and care, they will grow up and become your next fighter with killer abilities!
From Slithering Sock Snakes to Giant (knife wielding) Enemy Crabs, these bosses will put your regenerative abilities to the test. Time to bring an AK-47 to a knife fight!
Find Axolotl eggs and raise new powerful Axolittles by turning them into highly specialized little killing machines.Take their firepower to the next level by cooking up permanent, stat-improving recipes. Take no prisoners, eat everything and become unstoppable.
Fight up close with the Axe-alotl or or set your Phaser to “MURDER”... your playstyle is your pick! Take your firepower to the next level with mighty power-ups like Mjolnir, Gamer Juice or…Cousin Carl?





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